A/C makes horrible noise - Muscular Mustangs
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post #1 of 2 Old 11-30-2006, 08:29 AM Thread Starter
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A/C makes horrible noise

OK....I know I'll probably be banished for asking so many questions but in the beginning stages of figuring this motor out I need some expert advice.

My A/C makes a constant whining sound, is it because it is not charged? Is it better to just remove it completely and replace it with the delete bracket? Thanks
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post #2 of 2 Old 11-30-2006, 12:04 PM
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Does it only make it when the A/C is turned on or all of the time?

Try this, start your car and turn the A/C off. Open the hood and look at the A/C compressor and see if the inner part of the pulley is also turning. If so then your compressor clutch is likely locked up which is making the compressor run all of the time, and without any freon/oil in it you're definately going to get some whining.

If the inner part isn't turning than that means your clutch isn't locked up but it may be the bearing in the clutch that is worn out and whining.

Either way if you want to get rid of the sound you'll need to replace the compressor and/or clutch OR go with an A/C eliminator bracket. When I owned a fox body I had a bad compressor clutch and had it replaced, freon filled, and checked for leaks and it cost me $300. It's a gamble though because you could pay to have all that done and find that the A/C system has problems in other places so if the A/C isn't a big deal for you then you're probably better off going with an eliminator bracket.

BTW You definately won't get banned for asking too many questions, we're here to help whomever we can whenever we can. Welcome aboard!

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