Shelby GT500 to have 500 Horsepower - Muscular Mustangs
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post #1 of 7 Old 05-02-2006, 01:29 PM Thread Starter
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Shelby GT500 to have 500 Horsepower

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post #2 of 7 Old 05-04-2006, 08:18 PM
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post #3 of 7 Old 05-04-2006, 10:09 PM
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Now, if we could only get around the dealer greed issue and Ford would make enough of them so average Joe could walk in and buy one...............
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post #4 of 7 Old 05-05-2006, 03:16 AM Thread Starter
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The dealer greed makes me sick. Personally i feel Ford should put a stop to it. If the dealers have models left over after a certain period then let them do as they'd like but any customer who walks into the showroom when a car is first produced should be able to get one at MSRP. Walk in customers first, ebay customers second.

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post #5 of 7 Old 05-17-2006, 12:58 PM
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Dealer mark-ups--protected & legal

Originally Posted by quick5pnt0
The dealer greed makes me sick. Personally i feel Ford should put a stop to it. If the dealers have models left over after a certain period then let them do as they'd like but any customer who walks into the showroom when a car is first produced should be able to get one at MSRP. Walk in customers first, ebay customers second.
I've read that state laws prohibit automobile manufacturers from dictating retail prices to automobile dealerships--whether the dealer is jacking up the price or cutting it drastically from the MSRP. I suppose this protects the dealers from the manufacturers--especially from those manufacturers who send vehicles to your dealership that you must accept because of your contract--whether or not anyone is even remotely interested in buying the vehicle(s) in question. Can you imagine having Chevy bringing you three carhauler loads of SSRs and then demanding that you sell them for no less than sticker price????? Commercial suicide!!!!!
Or three carhauler loads of GTOs from Pontiac with the same preposterous demand????? But this "protection" is a racket when a hot-selling model is in high demand but low supply (I think the Shelby's rumored price of the mid-$40,000s would sell close to 35,000 in the intro year if Ford could build that many)--some dealers sold Ford GTs at $77,000 over sticker (that was a fifty-percent gouge on the MSRP of a Ford GT in 2004!). TIP: As soon as Ford publishes the MSRP and options prices of GT500s, go to a remote dealership and offer to pay 50 percent down right now if the dealer will order the GT500 per your specs and only charge you the price on the window sticker--which must remain on the window of the car. If the dealer agrees to charge you exactly the window price, then pay the fifty percent downpayment. If the dealer flatly refuses or wants to dance around guaranteeing that you will not pay one cent over the window sticker, tell them you are leaving to go find a dealer that will agree to your reasonable offer--and then leave! Before you've left your third dealership, some sales manager at one of the dealerships you've visited will take you up on your offer.
OTOH, if you ain't got the money, don't waste their time or yours...
post #6 of 7 Old 05-17-2006, 01:37 PM Thread Starter
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You may be right about the manufacturer not being about to set limits. If so then it's up to the dealers to have the good business sense not screw their customers over just because they can.

As for going around to each dealer trying to put half down that may or may not work. The problem is that alot of people won't have the cash to put half down in the first place, and if the dealers know they can gouge somebody else for an extra $30K they aren't going to care how much you are putting down.

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post #7 of 7 Old 05-17-2006, 09:30 PM
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In L.A., the price gouging on the regular GT was sickening.
I`ve heard estimates of $10-15,000 over sticker to buy a Shelby 500.
A number of people in this town are rich enough and stupid enough to pay the price for a Shelby.
Since Ford has decided to build 9-10,000 of them, I hope the prospective buyers will decide not to pay over sticker on them since they are out of the "collector car" category and because in a few months to a year they will be a LOT cheaper.
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